Here is your chance to be one of the experts! We are pleased to open a Call for Breakout Session Proposals for the 2023 Sustainable Agriculture Summit, December 6-7 in Charlotte, NC. Share your expertise and insights with more than 700 attendees from across the food and agriculture value chain by submitting a proposal for an in-person breakout session.
This year’s Summit, Scaling Collective Impact: Collaborating to Accelerate Agricultural Sustainability, will explore how leveraging the interconnectedness embedded within U.S. agriculture can help us scale our collective action and achieve sustainable outcomes faster, more economically, and more efficiently. We are looking for breakout sessions that provide specific examples of actions, outcomes, and learnings that attendees can implement, adapt, and scale in their own businesses and operations when they leave the Summit.
Download the 2023 Call for Proposals guide for more information on selection criteria and submission requirements. Proposals must be submitted online by August 25, 2023.